By Tim Parish
The Dopero kite has a well-earned reputation for being an excellent light wind flier. It flies at high line angles like a delta, and yet has very good stability and lifting capacity as well. The Dopero is basically two Pearson Roller kites side by side. The name was extracted from the words DOuble PEarson ROller.
This kite is a favorite of KAP (Kite Aerial Photography) enthusiasts since it lets them get a camera up even on very light wind days. Some influential kite photography people, such as Brooks Leffler, say it is the best light wind kite they have ever flown.
Typical Dopero Kites
The original Dopero kite was under 3 meters in span. The Maxi Dopero was made shortly after, and had a more impressive span of 3.75 meters (over 12 feet) Both sizes are copied today, with small variations. The basic outline does not vary much, with most people choosing to copy the original shape fairly faithfully. Also, quality kites are now available from a small number of kite shops and manufacturers.
It does not need tails. However, some like to add tails just for the visual effect. Also, KAPers often add tails to kites that don't strictly need them, just for additional stability.
Most of these kites are valued for their flying characteristics rather than their looks. Hence the decoration is usually limited to simple areas of color and straight lines. However, with such a large area of sail there's nothing to stop someone from getting arty with one of these kites!
The 4 point bridle consists of 2 loops, with a connecting line. The top loop connects to where the longerons cross the main cross spar. The other loop is connected at both ends to the longerons also, near the leading edge of the rear sail. The flying line attaches to the connecting line, and this 'towing point' is shifted fore or aft to trim the kite according to wind conditions.
Ripstop nylon sails are popular, but some of these kites are made with the more expensive Icarex P31 material for added performance.
Dopero Kites In Action
With the increased availability of these kites from shops now, many are flying with no KAP rig attached. It's a great kite to pull out on those nearly-dead-calm days! Even on windier days, a Dopero kite still comes in handy for flying 'line laundry'. For example, inflatables, spinners and windsocks.
On the other hand, a lot of Kite Aerial Photography is being done with these kites. The large Maxi Dopero is a useful lifter even in the lightest breezes. Even though the kite can take a while to assemble, at least shots can be taken when other kites won't fly at all.
Some Dopero Kite History
In a way, the history of this kite goes way back to 1909, when its ancestor the Roloplan was first sold. The Roloplan was a German design which was refined in the early 1970s to become the well-known Pearson Roller. The Roller was and still is a very good light-wind kite.
Finally in 1994 a young German KAP enthusiast, Ralf Beutnagel, made a kite like 2 Pearson Rollers side by side. This resulted in a somewhat bigger kite with 4 bridle points instead of 2. The extra lifting power was needed to get the camera gear aloft, the Pearson design being a bit too small for the job.
Driven by demand from the KAP community mainly, the Dopero kite has been produced commercially since the Millennium and remains a favorite light wind kite for that purpose. In fact, in 2006 a Dopero was used to re-create the famous San Francisco earthquake photo of 1906.
The Dopero kite has a well-earned reputation for being an excellent light wind flier. It flies at high line angles like a delta, and yet has very good stability and lifting capacity as well. The Dopero is basically two Pearson Roller kites side by side. The name was extracted from the words DOuble PEarson ROller.
This kite is a favorite of KAP (Kite Aerial Photography) enthusiasts since it lets them get a camera up even on very light wind days. Some influential kite photography people, such as Brooks Leffler, say it is the best light wind kite they have ever flown.
Typical Dopero Kites
The original Dopero kite was under 3 meters in span. The Maxi Dopero was made shortly after, and had a more impressive span of 3.75 meters (over 12 feet) Both sizes are copied today, with small variations. The basic outline does not vary much, with most people choosing to copy the original shape fairly faithfully. Also, quality kites are now available from a small number of kite shops and manufacturers.
It does not need tails. However, some like to add tails just for the visual effect. Also, KAPers often add tails to kites that don't strictly need them, just for additional stability.
Most of these kites are valued for their flying characteristics rather than their looks. Hence the decoration is usually limited to simple areas of color and straight lines. However, with such a large area of sail there's nothing to stop someone from getting arty with one of these kites!
The 4 point bridle consists of 2 loops, with a connecting line. The top loop connects to where the longerons cross the main cross spar. The other loop is connected at both ends to the longerons also, near the leading edge of the rear sail. The flying line attaches to the connecting line, and this 'towing point' is shifted fore or aft to trim the kite according to wind conditions.
Ripstop nylon sails are popular, but some of these kites are made with the more expensive Icarex P31 material for added performance.
Dopero Kites In Action
With the increased availability of these kites from shops now, many are flying with no KAP rig attached. It's a great kite to pull out on those nearly-dead-calm days! Even on windier days, a Dopero kite still comes in handy for flying 'line laundry'. For example, inflatables, spinners and windsocks.
On the other hand, a lot of Kite Aerial Photography is being done with these kites. The large Maxi Dopero is a useful lifter even in the lightest breezes. Even though the kite can take a while to assemble, at least shots can be taken when other kites won't fly at all.
Some Dopero Kite History
In a way, the history of this kite goes way back to 1909, when its ancestor the Roloplan was first sold. The Roloplan was a German design which was refined in the early 1970s to become the well-known Pearson Roller. The Roller was and still is a very good light-wind kite.
Finally in 1994 a young German KAP enthusiast, Ralf Beutnagel, made a kite like 2 Pearson Rollers side by side. This resulted in a somewhat bigger kite with 4 bridle points instead of 2. The extra lifting power was needed to get the camera gear aloft, the Pearson design being a bit too small for the job.
Driven by demand from the KAP community mainly, the Dopero kite has been produced commercially since the Millennium and remains a favorite light wind kite for that purpose. In fact, in 2006 a Dopero was used to re-create the famous San Francisco earthquake photo of 1906.
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